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PhD Student Positions

If you are interested to conduct your doctoral studies in our group, please apply to the International Max Planck Research School for Cell, Developmental and Systems Biology (IMPRS-CellDevoSys). You can find details regarding the admission procedure and deadlines on their webpage.

Postdoctoral Positions

We support fellowship applications of outstanding postdoctoral researchers who wish to join our lab, primarily through third-party funding organizations (EC, HSFP, Humboldt Foundation, DAAD, etc.). We especially encourage international researchers to get in touch.

ELBE-Program Postdoctoral Candidates

Postdoctoral candidates with a strong background in computational biology or theoretical physics and interest to work in the interdisciplinary environment between MPI-CBG/ CSBD and MPI-PKS are welcome to apply to the ELBE Postdoc program.

We want you!

No open project that spikes your interest? Make a suggestion. If your research interests align with ours, we want to hear your research proposal!

Contact us